It’s too darned hot!

Well the heat is coming. Or is here I guess. I was grumbling this morning about going to a birthday party that started at 10am. But by 1:30pm, it was too hot to be outside (and not in a pool) already. So the boys headed down to the pool with their dad and I am basking...

Ennui is contagious.

ennui – a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction And it’s contagious, or so says Michel on Gilmore Girls. So don’t sit too close to me at Knit-In. Geez. I’ve spent this whole week trying to get started on this Jivelle hat for my summer hat...

I have contracted an “itis”

Call it start-itis or cast-on-itis, or call it magpie syndrome, I don’t know. I seem to have quite the dominant procrastination gene. On a day-to-day basis, this manifests itself in avoidance of housework or my glorious tendency to do everything at the very last...


Well I’m waiting for the man to get home from Indiana Jones so I guess I have time for one of these wonky things. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themself. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5...

Good times…

This is my favorite picture from our short trip to Disney this weekend. My boys with their cousin that they’ve met for the first time, just fast friends, taking off on the next adventure. This cousin was on her first trip to Disney. Her new baby brother is at...

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