No, seriously.

February needs to be gone. Post haste. This is a good metaphor for my life right now. Pretty messed up, eh? This my dear imaginary friends is what happens when you try to cook at five in the morning. Not to be confused with what happens when you try to bake while...

A new leaf…

I took the boys to the produce market this morning. I gave them cart control and told them to pick out whatever they wanted. And I threw some things in as well of course. We got a little bit of everything, including three different kinds of pears. We’re gonna...


The universe apparently did not notice that I pressed the reset button on this week, this month, this year. Today was not fun. And to top it all off the TV died. Tomorrow I intend to be way more specific with my intentions. I shall be hatching up a plan for this while...

Casting Call

The dude got his cast today. I’d show you a picture, but he’s already in bed. It’s light blue (the better to be signed) and it is cast below the elbow. This is very good news. It gives him way more mobility of course, and it will allow him to play...

February is the cruelest month…

Stinky things seem to happen in February. 2 years ago big dude broke his arm. This year we have a repeat. This morning I fought with financial aid again. That was lovely. And other stinky smelly no good things have been happening all week. But I say no more! Tomorrow...

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