The Pride of Mt. Washmore

The boys had their last day of school yesterday. They had Mass, and then awards. Both of my boys got honor roll for the quarter, and A/B honor roll for the entire year. Here they are getting their pictures taken for the yearbook. My 3rd grader is the top left guy with...

Buckeyes are beautiful

I’ve been experimenting with artsy photographs of stuff. Today it was food, buckeyes to be specific. Chocolate-peanut-butter perfection. I’ve also been experimenting in the dyepot. And in the food vein, I present the Retro Candy yarns: Candy Corn,...

I am not a control freak

Nevermind the fact that my initials are C.F. I am not. My home is a warm and happy jumble. There are very few things that I require to be just so. As long as I can find the coriander, I don’t really care how the spices are arranged. But I think I’m...

Herstory in socks

My brain is full. Anytime I learn something new, something old has got to go. But it’s always amusing the sorts of things that my brain chooses to hold onto. For example, I cannot remember the name of my first grade teacher, but I do remember this little ditty:...

The cake it bites?

I’ve had an urge lately. The urge to bake. But I’m being healthy eating woman, and eating half a pan of lemon bars will not help me in my quest to reduce the size of my arse. And I spend way too much time alone to be trusted with baked goods. And not to...

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