Stop. Rewind.

I adore my boys. Truth be told, I don’t think I’m cut out for girls. But that’s why I’m glad some of my friends have girls – it gives me some girly time, and a chance to buy girly presents. A young friend who calls me Aunt Corrina (which...


Tired. So tired. So ready to sell the dog. Anybody want a quiet lazy beagle? Because oh my sweet cheesy pete. I don’t want to scar my children by killing the dog, but I am not loving the dog right now. Last night he was up all dang night long. Running back and...


So today I’m sick. And in between general house tidying, shuttling the boys to and fro, making dinner, and oh yeah, all the other normal things I do in a day, I’ve been sitting on my bahookie. Because the being up leads to sometimes the head moving which...

Yeah you know me.

I’m turning into a curmudgeon. (And a non-blogger, but I’m trying to remedy that.) I’m getting older. I  try to listen to current music and very rarely do I find any of it worth my time. And I find myself thinking (or worse saying) things about...

Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down

My life is always interesting. When I’m with my peoples (my knitting friends) I always have a good true Corrina life story to tell. But in general, my life runs pretty smoothly. I probably shouldn’t say that at this point – I’m just asking for...

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