
We had interesting ideas for Halloween this year. A whole theme with ninjas, and a geisha, and a samurai. But the man’s work got in the way, so the grand plans we had were never executed. So we went a different direction. The ninjas (a normal one and a deadpool...

Grumpy cookie is grumpy.

So I got the grumps. A lot of things that are totally out of my realm of control have not gone my way. And the things that I can control? Well apparently I have magically insane powers of screw up. Not fun. And I’m grumpy. I’m trying to shake it. I’m...

Hey you guys!

It’s a local yokel sort of day. We’ll be meeting at the Riverside Arts Market around 11am for lunch, knitting, spinning, goofing, shopping, and whatever else you want to do. If you’ve not been to the RAM, you’re missing out. They have arts,...


So as you might have noticed, I am kind of obsessed with the side to side garter stitch shawlettes. I mean honestly. It’s like the best of every world. You cast on 2 stitches. You only finish up with 2 stitches. You work the lovely lace edging as you go along....

Manic Mornings

Inspired by Waltz In Exile I thought I would share a typical morning around here. What? If you can’t think of your own blog fodder, steal someone else’s. Right? Our evenings are not nearly as hectic as our mornings though, so here’s a typical school...

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