Not show, tell.

Things I wish I could show you: How beautifully this yarn from Jellyfish Knits is working up. The lovely transitions of the lace patterns. My cute new haircut. The state of my house. Wait, scratch that. You do not want to see the state of my house. I have been so busy...

Top Five on Tuesday

So I’ve been a little light on the blog content – yes I know. I’ve just been so very busy and sometimes the words just don’t seem to come. So I’ve decided to steal words! Not in a bad, stealing content sort of way. More in a Brenda did...

Nothing to see here.

Sadly there isn’t much to see here. The fourth of the Seven Songs is rolling along and I can’t show you any sort of sneak peek. Why? Because not only is my main camera broken, my cell phone camera is out of order too. The Canon got dropped on the tile...

And then there were four…

I find it hard to believe that I am already working on the fourth song. Are we really four months in? Are my boys really already back in school? Aren’t I too young to have a boy who will be a bonafide teenager on Friday? And while we are asking questions, is...

Paris Mill

Deadlines do funny things to my head. When my brain is forced to come up with something, it decides to meander off and do other things. This is one of those other things. Another funny thing – I get my best pattern names from street names. Paris Mill is the name...

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