Opening Bars

No, not bars like places to drink too much – bars as in the opening bars of a song. It’s a musical thing, not a beer-swilling thing. Although a margarita sounds good right about now. It’s nearly five o’clock. But I digress. Today I had to...

New places

I’ve been branching out – trying to submit some of my work to online and print magazines. It’s hard for me, because A. I fear rejection and B. I have no patience. Magazines of any kind take so long to come to fruition. But this is kind of worth it,...

Almost there.

I can’t believe the Seven Songs collection is nearly done. I’ve learned so much and had such a neat time designing these shawlettes. But now it’s down to the wire. The design for the final song is pretty well set in stone – swatching in...


Rachmaninoff is finally available for purchase! This is the sixth of the Seven Songs, and I’m very much in love with how it turned out. It uses the gorgeous Paca Peds yarn with the heel-toe skein from The Alpaca Yarn Company. I used almost all 90 yards of the...

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