Needle Organization

Once upon a time this bin was filled with legos. When I say filled, I mean filled. To the brim. So heavy you could barely carry it. But then the boys outgrew the legos and they legos went to live at school for little kids to play with. So now this well-worn fabric bin...

Public Knitting

In Florida it’s difficult to knit in public in the summer outside when the World-Wide Knit In Public usually takes place in June. This was an unofficial early KIP, but we seem to have found the best place to do it – under the bridge where it’s shady...

Finally on time

It’s Monday. We’re out of groceries and I have more deadline knitting left than hours in the day and school is almost out with everything that entails and the yarn for the next project got delivered to the wrong address and we tore up the yard this weekend...

Busy blurs

I’ve been so busy with deadline knitting that the days have been a blur. I keep thinking that tomorrow is Friday. Which of course it is. But I was also thinking this on Monday. And Tuesday. And well you know how it goes. And of course the boys have less than...

Wednesday Winners

These were supposed to be Monday winners, but the week has gotten away from me. I’m cranking out samples for a new collection at an amazingly fast rate (if I do say so myself) but it leaves no time for things like thinking and remembering that I’m running...

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