Nearly Number Four

The fourth sonnet is knitted, charted, and the pattern is written. Tonight I will be a blocking fool, and this weekend I plan to be a picture taking fool. The pattern will be published on Monday, October 1st. But for now, here’s a sneak peek. You need to get...

Chilly Monday

This morning on the way to school the minivan told me it was 59 degrees outside. That is chilly for Florida! And the weatherman on the radio told me it was only going to be 83 degrees today. So lovely – I think I might take the boys to the park to do homework....


It’s been a busy week. Lots of blogging, lots of designing, and I totally reorganized my entire office. I *finally* got a desk – for years I’ve been working off of various pseudo desks. The most recent one was a kitchen table we bought and...

Thursday Thirty

All of the sudden tons of people I know seem to be turning 30. Having recently turned 40, 30 seems, well ages ago. Ten years. What has changed in ten years? See those adorable little monsters? Well the blonde one is now just shy of 6 feet tall. Which is taller than...

Pretty Papers

When I was thinking about the Seven Sonnets collection, I had a very specific color theme in mind. The idea was old books, deep rich leathers, jeweltones, with aged elements. And the gorgeous yarns I received have been just perfection. This month’s yarn is a...

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