Fly Formats

I am pretty sure I am too old to say fly. Even though the Fly Girls were a thing on Living Color when I was young. But I refuse to say fleek, so I’m running short on options that spring to mind. My next resort will be to hit up the site that lists adjectives...

Knit.Purl Fall-Winter

It’s another installment of OPP – Other People’s Patterns. No, that will never get old for me. I’m sorry. Well not really sorry because I’m giggling like a 12 year old. So anyhow… Yesterday I showed you my Quick Wind Pullover from...

Quick Wind Pullover

Many moons ago I submitted a design to Interweave Knits. They said thanks, but no thanks. Hey, it happens. If you think you’re gonna get into this business called knit design and everyone will always want your stuff… hahahahahaha …you are wrong. But...

Fab Formats

Look I found another f word! This is going to end badly, isn’t it? Today’s format friday post is going to be a fast one because I’m crazed. I got the boys back to school but now I have to catch up with all the work that got away from me when I was...

Office Space

As a knit designer, I work from “home”. Why is home in air quotes? Well because I pretty much work wherever I can. Yesterday I swatched a new lace pattern in the minivan while waiting for the boys to get out of a football meeting. And tonight while they...

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