And all of the sudden, life is daunting.

by | Jul 10, 2005 | Uncategorized

I made big promises to myself about tomorrow. About eating healthy, exercising, being a better housewife. Did you know I was a kept woman? I am. But I’m a bad, bad, bad housewife. Today after church my hard-working man was vacuuming my hair up in the bedroom and sorting laundry cause I don’t do it right. But I digress…

Seriously though. Now I don’t want tomorrow to come. I want to live in today. There’s some girly beers in the fridge. And some ice cream in the freezer. And I plan on making some french fries and some fried fake chicken sandwiches for dinner. All kinds of unhealthy. The only healthy thing that might happen is that we might have canteloupe on the side. Cause it’s ripe and if I waste another melon my husband might just leave me.

Also I need to decide what to do with my white cotton ease. I find myself wanting to have more of it so I could make a cute little twinset. But I don’t think that’s gonna happen, since it’s all discontinued and crap. Bummer.


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