
by | Dec 5, 2011 | Uncategorized


Back in the beginning of the year, I had an idea. One of the parts of designing that is difficult for me is coming up with names. I was watching “Sleeping With The Enemy” and Julia Roberts was talking about how Berlioz gave her chills. And not in a good way. And me, with my crazy designer knitting centric brain thought hey, Berlioz would be an awesome name for a pattern. And that’s kind of how this all began.
Kind of. And then I signed up for a swap. Don’t ask me why. I don’t have time for these things. But I asked the swap coordinators if I could design a shawlette for my recipient. And so the first prototype for Debussy was born. And then I went to Stitches South and CircusGirl helped me find the perfect color Bugga to knit up the real Debussy. And it went and went and went and went and went. And now it’s done. And while half of me is super happy to be finished, the other half (the insane in the membrane half) wants to do it again. And so I present the seventh song – Berlioz:


Berlioz is knit sideways – my favorite way, in a gorgeous silk/wool blend hand dyed by Fiddleknits. Seriously, this stuff is wonderful. So soft and shiny, and the color just sings. Kind of fitting that my final shawlette is knit up in yarn dyed by a musician, no? No I didn’t plan it that way. But I’m so glad it worked out!


You cast on 4 sts and you knit along and increase all happy like and then when your yarn is half gone, you turn around and go back. And when all is said and sung – you bind off 4 sts. And the angels sing. Well actually after you block it, the angels sing. Because blocking is magic my friends.


And because FiddleKnits was so supremely generous as to send me yarn at the very last minute (and save me from doom when the other yarn did not come as promised) and send me two colors so I could choose from them in person and because she’s awesome – we’re having a little giveaway. All you have to do is comment by the time I log onto my computer at the buttcrack of dawn on Thursday morning and you are entered for a chance to win this beauty *and* your very own copy of Berlioz!


So comment away – tell me something interesting – tell me your favorite song and you have a chance to win fabulous prizes. Parting gifts now that the Seven Songs have all been sung.


  1. Karen

    My favorite song is Stravinsky — but then I’m a little prejudiced there. 🙂

  2. janice

    my favorite in the series in Debussy…for now, that is!

  3. LC

    Who could pick just one?? I love the story you’ve written about your creative process. Poetry, really!
    🙂 LC

  4. Hillary

    I have to say that I love them all and need to get started knitting mine. Will probably start with Prokifiev for obvious reasons!

  5. Ann

    Your shawls are all so beautiful! You seem to outdo yourself with each new pattern. Berlioz is a must on my to do list!

  6. sillylittlelady

    I think this is gorgeous! I actually think it’s my favorite of the songs you’ve produced this year 🙂 I think the name is perfect and the pattern is absolutely lovely, congratulations!

  7. marlie

    This is a lovely conclusion to the series! I can’t wait to knit it!

  8. Kay

    What a beautiful shawl and I love the yarn!!!! Very beautiful things happen when talents are blended. 🙂
    My favorite song this time of year is “Mary Did You Know” written by Mark Lowry.

  9. sbm

    My favorite songs seemed to be wrapped up with dances, so I’ll go with Stravinsky, although I’ll confess to also being partial to Delius. You did a great job with these and I can’t wait to find the time to knit them!

  10. Joni

    Wow I love it. Debussy is my favorite, with Berlioz a close second.

  11. Stella

    Russian composers — you can’t go wrong with Russian composers. Hard to tell which is my favourite: Stravinsky or Prokofiev. The best is that while knitting, I’ve got the music running through my head. For Stravinsky, it’s always Petrouchka, and for Prokofiev, it’s Romeo and Juliet.

  12. Andrea

    I don’t think I could ever pick a favorite song. I have way too many! Thanks for the chance to win L(

  13. Adrienne

    I can’t wait to make this design. The yarn is amazingly pretty too. It would make an awesome combination.

  14. Amy

    My favorite is still Debussy, I can’t wait to make all (or most…) of these next year!! 😀

  15. BobbieSue

    Picking a favorite song is like picking a favorite yarn….as soon you think you have one, along comes another that you love just as well.

  16. Lotsofhermies on Rav

    You are making us choose!?! Every time you have created a new one I have thought o I have to knit that one! So if you are going to twist our arms I love Debussy, Prokofiev, or Berlioz the most.

  17. Nicky

    Wow! I want to knit them all– maybe for 2012 I will knit all 7 songs!

  18. Christel

    This one is absolutely beautiful !!! I think Berlioz is now my favorite. I think I will get the set for my husband to give me for Christmas!!!

  19. Kimber

    Berlioz put me over the top – it’s gorgeous. I only just started my first lace shawl (and loving it) but this is in the queue to be my second. What a great series – I’ve enjoyed reading its journey into being.

  20. Shilo

    I love Debussy and Berlioz… and the yarn colorway for the giveaway – beautiful! I can’t wait to knit your 7 songs!

  21. Hazelly

    Berlioz is, as expected, beautiful. I think my favorite has been Debussy.

  22. Barbara Benson

    I think that it is quite possible that this one is my favorite. The trim is fantastic and I love the movement of all of the stitches.
    Favorite songs have also been a conversation in this household with my 5 yr old. Currently his favorite is Rumor Has It. But that isn’t what you asked is it?

  23. hollyberries

    My favorite song for this time of year is O Holy Night!Thanks for a chance to win. I love all your shawls! You are so talented, all are gorgeous and lovely.

  24. Paula

    They’re all beautiful, but this one is my favorite knitted song. As for a favorite song to be sung, I can’t pick just one. It would be fair to say that I am more of a Broadway baby when it comes to music, loving many songs from classic and contemporary musicals.

  25. Anjanette

    I’m super excited about them all. The big question is which to start with… I’m hoping to knit them all in 2012, part of my goal of 12 shawls total in 2012.

  26. Dawna

    I love Christmas songs, almost any.
    This shawl is so great! Are you going to sell the pattern? just in case I don’t win.

  27. Karin Wilmoth

    I wish you had a song for Vivaldi; but Stravinsky is so very lovely, I could change favorites.

  28. Kelly

    I love all the songs and I can’t wait to start knitting them!

  29. Darlene

    Your Berlioz is magnificent. I’ve loved them all, but this one is “my” color and the pattern makes me want to start knitting it right away.

  30. Brandy

    I love Fiddleknits yarn! It’s so yummy!! And this pattern is gorgeous!!!

  31. Cindy

    I gasped when I first saw this shawl on Ravelry it was so so gorgeous!

  32. marti

    It has been an exciting journey and I have enjoyed watching you come into your own as a designer. Well done!

  33. Kristin

    This is definitely my favorite knitted song. As for a favorite song to be sung, I can’t pick just one. Right now, it would be the one of the songs my kids like – we sing together in the car 🙂
    Gorgeous shawl and yarn!

  34. Mommyknitz

    I love them all! Your creative process kinda boggles my mind.

  35. Lynn

    I’m quite taken with Berlioz. Beautiful design!

  36. ikkinlala

    Favourite song in general? I could never choose.
    Favourite song in shawl form, though, and I’d have to say Debussy (although they’re gorgeous).

  37. Kimberley

    That is a gorgeous pattern. I’ve yet to attempt a shawl, but you make it seem easy!

  38. Knitmomma

    I love so many songs! I can tell you the song that started going through my head as I was reading your post is I’m the Only One by Melissa Etheridge.
    Or do you mean of your shawls? I like them all muchly, but am loving the shape and side to side method of this one. You introduced me to side to side shawls, and they are my favorites!

    I’m knitmomma on Rav.


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