Deaton Socks

by | Jul 22, 2008 | Uncategorized

It’s time for blatant self-promotion. Yes, again. My new sock pattern is up for sale on Ravelry and on the sidebar. Deaton. Here’s Deaton working the camera! Deaton is available for purchase on Ravelry for $6.00

Tiles O' Deaton

In other news of the blatant self-promotion variety, I’ve started plurking. I’m picnicknits over there as well. You can see that on my side bar also. It’s quite addictive and the whole instant gratification side of it all is quite intoxicating.

Today is a baking day! Yes, I know it’s hot as hades out there, but one of my husband’s friends requested my chocolate chip cookies and it relaxes me.

Still on the needles (and actually getting some love) are the squirmy wormy socks (the beautiful pink & orange ones) and a new 3/4 sleeve version of my Bonny Cardigan in black for me!


Not much to see yet, but I’ve already got more than 3of the needed 13 body inches done and I just cast on this Sunday. Hope your day is full of knitting and cookies too!


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