At least my hands are clean.

I have a small obsession. It has nothing to do with knitting or yarn. I know, right? Whenever I head down to the Riverside Arts Market, my husband will kiss me goodbye, tell me to have fun, and warn me – “Do NOT buy any more soap.” I really...

Ahead and behind

So things are going along swimmingly on the newest of the Seven Songs. I actually think the knitting will be complete before Friday, so *everything*  will be ready for the October 1st release, including snazzy pictures with my new camera. But I’m behind on...

Florida Fiber-In

I am not an accomplished spinner. I think I could be, if I actually spent some time on it. This weekend I spent some time on it, and I actually made some yarn. The last time I spun was last year’s Fiber-In. Yes, I know, that’s sad. I think I need to pick...


Although this one has been in the hands of the e-book subscribers for awhile, it’s now available for individual purchase as well. Jellyfish Knits was out of town for a festival, so we wanted to wait until her shop was back up so you could purchase some of her...

Hats & Owls & Clean Hands

I’ve been reviewing in my head all of my things to do. So many things. I’m actually going to log into my neglected toodledo account and start using that to track things. That way I’m not dropping any balls. I never realized what a full-time job being...

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