Baby, if you ever wonderedWondered, what ever became of me I’m living on the air in Cincinnati Cincinnati WKRP So a little bit ago we were discussing our guilty food pleasures on the Knittyboard. And someone mentioned this crazy chili dip I used to eat. With...

I’ve been remiss

I brought my camera to the Jax Ravelers gathering yesterday, but I only took one picture. That’s my finished Squirmy Wormy sock and Tricia. I really should have taken more pictures. So many wonderful people there, and so much bacon. Yes, I said bacon....

Peer pressure.

So today I went to the home of Sugarbee Studios. For the Jax Ravelers gathering. I was excited. I’ve been to her house before and it is just one of those places that you instantly feel at home. And her mom tries to feed you every time you turn around (really...

For the love of bacon…

This is only my second post about bacon right? I mean, it’s not like I’m gonna need a whole bacon category. I think. Today we hit Tar-jay in search of bargains and legos. I found a very nice green tee-shirt. If it fits well, I will go back and buy more. My...

Deaton Socks

It’s time for blatant self-promotion. Yes, again. My new sock pattern is up for sale on Ravelry and on the sidebar. Deaton. Here’s Deaton working the camera! Deaton is available for purchase on Ravelry for $6.00 In other news of the blatant self-promotion...

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